I know my passion, but I’m stuck

Time Isn’t Money, but It’s Worth So Much More

Can I share a little truth with you?

(Deep sigh)

I’m a recovering perfectionist. ??‍♀️

I have to set the scene with that precedent because knowing this means that I can spend time on things that don’t matter.

It seems to all happen so fast – I look up and suddenly I’m not as consistent in whatever goal I initially set out to crush. Or maybe I’m too engulfed in reaching the goal, launching that idea, or pursing that passion that I’m not even enjoying the journey along the way.

And although I eventually find my way back to middle ground, the truth still remains…

I can’t get that time back.

I know I’m not alone in this. Whether it be from the clients that I coach, creatives that I speak to, or even taking a page from my own experience, I’ve learned that losing focus doesn’t happen overnight – it happens gradually.

We become distracted by what we think we need. 

We over estimate and over think what it will take to pursue our passions.

We talk ourselves out of starting.

It’s a vicious cycle isn’t it?

And all the while, the clock is still ticking.

If you feel stuck in your passion, it’s probably because you’re caught in between focal points.

But, I have good news for you and your passion:

  • Time may not be redeemable, but you can make up for it being lost
  • You never have to rush when you’re walking in your purpose
  • The best products/services are still the ones that are simple and effective 

If you need some help recalibrating (or activating) your passion, put your email address in below and I’ll send you my top three ways to get yourself unstuck so you can start seeing the tangible results you always dream about.